An Annual Literary Retreat

Women Writers Unlimited Series to empower women

Women Unlimited Series continues to be the pride of KLF. WUS is an initiative of the Foundation, in partnership with United Nations Women, for inclusion of women's talents, skills and energies in various creative programmes of Foundation.

The social and economic development of women is deeply intertwined. It is imperative that women participate in debate and play a pro-active and meaningful role in decision-making process of issues that impact their quality of life and that of the communities they live in. The private sector should emerge as a key partner in this effort. The Forum has an #ISeries project. The first in the #ISeries is #INarrate - an essay series (blogs) on the shifting narrative of a woman's journey. Popular contemporary women authors are invited to contribute essays on the issues compelling the modern Indian woman to redefine herself. Contribution to #INarrate is “by invitation” only.

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